The GROOVE EDGEucation is an organization that has adapted The GROOVE concept into an educational framework, holistic and kinesthetic learning tool for the education sector. Led by Michelle Hiller and Amy Tepperman, this passionate group of EDGEucators are on a mission to offer an alternative way of learning by infusing the engagement of what they call the BODY, BRAIN and BEING into all areas of education. They design and deliver powerful, student centred and inclusive experiences for students of all ages and demographics, as well as create resource material and trainings for teachers/educators to infuse The GROOVE philosophies into their classrooms while meeting a variety of school curriculum expectations and educational mandates.


[email protected]

Groove & Grow promotes vibrant health through the power of music and movement along with the experience of growing food. We want better health and mindful eating for everyone. That’s why we’ve created a one-of-a-kind wellness program that encourages groups of people like work employees and school children to learn new ways to foster healthier lifestyle habits.

To learn more about this innovative program and other products by Grow a Seed visit: