Meet us on the dancefloor!
We are an amazing group of facilitators and educators that LOVE to GROOVE and are passionate about Community, Creativity and Authenticity.
We are dedicated to superior instructor development by providing powerful information, high-quality education, effective tools and useful resources.
We are here to support, inspire and empower community leaders and to facilitate
mind-blowing, therapeutic dance experiences for the mind, body, heart and soul.
Operating Team
We run The World Groove Movement and all it’s moving parts.

Misty Tripoli - Founder of The World Groove Movement
Residence : Mexico
Why I Groove? : I groove because I can't not groove! Honoring and respecting the way my body wants to move and connecting with other people is simply delicious and necessary for the satisfaction of my soul. Grooving is medicine for the mind, body, heart, and soul.
Random fact about Me : I have over 70 first cousins!
1 Thing on my Bucket List : Groove on the pyramids of Egypt
Favorite Quote : Don't worry about a thing, cause every little thing is gonna be alright. Bob Marley

Name : Rinda Riles - Retreat & Operations Director
Residence : San Diego, CA USA
Why I Groove? : LOVE it – Unity, Community and the super powerful magic of it. GROOVE is healing the World one dance floor at a time.
Random fact about Me : My nickname as a child was Toad. I now have roughly 100 small decorative toads/frogs all over my house, all given to me as gifts over the years. I have glass ones, wood ones, crystal ones, magic boxes, candle holders, picture frames and so much more. My nephew recently came over and counted all he could find – got up to 86 but didn’t know about the box of them in the garage that I couldn’t find places for in my house.
1 Thing on my Bucket List : Santorini Greece
Favorite Quote : It is what it is.

Name : Dani Nobrega, Head of The Groove Academy, Master Teacher Team Leader, , Presenter
Residence : Hamilton, ON Canada
Why I Groove? : When I Groove, I am FREE! Uninhibited movement quiets the mind and heals the soul. After I move in this way, I always feel more clear-minded, grounded and an overall sense of joy and ap-preciation for myself. This experience shared with others builds authentic connection, trust and support. I love the Groove community, and I love growing with it.
Random fact about Me : I’ve Grooved over half a million youth since 2011
1 Thing on my Bucket List : Build a cute little tree house in the jungle somewhere tropical
Favorite Quote : “I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief…For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.” Wendell Berry

Name : Laurie-Lynn Macdonald, Marketing, Master Teacher, Presenter
Residence : Montreal, QC Canada
Why I Groove? : I fell in love with Groove at first move because it offered a deeper connection with my body and soul and I felt liberated from the way I had always experienced dance before. Groove allows self-expression, creativity and an all-inclusive community vibe where I can appreciate my body and boogie for the pure joy of it!
Random fact about Me : I never thought of myself asan artist, but when asked to participate in an art exhibit last year I accepted and sold 3 pieces of my art! Anything is possible. 🙂
1 Thing on my Bucket List : Okunoshima, Japan - also known as "Rabbit Island" because of the numerous feral rabbits that roam and play, so also known as Heaven on Earth! #bunnylover
Favorite Quote : "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get though this thing called LIFE." - Prince (Let's Go Crazy)
Master Teachers
We are Masters at The Groove who lead Facilitator Trainings around the world and mentor our students.

Name : Heather Winia, Master Teacher, GrooveFit, , Presenter
Residence : Zeeland, MI USA
Why I Groove? : GROOVE to practice and get good at all of the following...having fun and feeling confident in my body, boosting my mood and getting out of my head, embracing sexy, cool, strong and powerful in my soul and finally, sharing all these things with others on the DANCEfloor!
Random fact about Me : I am a grandma to Ezra Lee and Eliza Grace!!
1 Thing on my Bucket List : To spend more time not worrying about what time it is!
Favorite Quote : If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten" by Tony Robbins

Name : Miranda Rudegeair, Master Teacher, Presenter
Residence : Honolulu, HI USA
Why I Groove? : Groove continues to remind me to do what feels good in my body, whether that be in class, or in life. For me, it is the easiest way to get into my body. The collaboration of connecting with others and dancing at the same time is so enjoyable for me. I feel so happy when I Groove!
Random fact about Me : I LOVE making funny music videos
1 Thing on my Bucket List : Go back to Italy for more lasagne.
Favorite Quote : "Manage Yourself" - Misty Tripoli

Name : Liz Zdunich, Master Teacher, Presenter
Residence : Victoria, BC Canada
Why I Groove? : The first time I stood on a GROOVE DANCEfloor with tears streaming down my face, having just run back into the conference from nursing my new baby, I remembered for the first time in years that I could feel good in my body. I remembered I could move in my body for pleasure, and play, and power, and grace, and any other way that nourishes my heart, body and soul. I am still and will keep grooving everyday to keep remembering.
Random fact about Me : I 'm a red head - by appearance AND personality. Fire and passion, baby!
1 Thing on my Bucket List : Dance to steel drums on a sandy beach in Jamaica at sunset
Favorite Quote : "She believed she could, so she did." ~ R.S. Grey

Name : Torild Thornsohn, Master Teacher, Presenter
Residence : Copenhagen, Denmark
Why I Groove? : The first time I Grooved, I experienced complete freedom to be everything and ALL that I am. I Groove because I am reminded that I am perfect the way I am, that I can not be too much. Oh, and because it’s the coolest fuckin’ crowd on the planet. I’m in LOVE with my Groove family!
Random fact about Me : I used too be a cetaphobe –asin STUPIDLY afraid of whales! It’s getting better, but I’m still working on it. And even more interesting than the phobia is why I think I got it... I’ll tell you when we meet 😉
1 Thing on my Bucket List : Meeting Michael Jackson. A little difficult since he’s not alive anymore, but I’ll figure it out.
Favorite Quote : One of my all time favorite songs by Leonard Cohen ’Anthem’ contains this beautiful piece of truth: ’There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in"

Name : Annabelle Neudam, Master Teacher, Presenter
Residence : Berlin, Germany
Why I Groove? : Dancing to my favorite music creates a deep connection to my soul and brings so much joy. Whenever I allow myself to dance fully, my personality to shine and my body to move authenti-cally, that’s when I feel whole. To experience this for myself and to share this magic with so many people on this planet is pure bliss.
Random fact about Me :Coffee addicted chocolate lover - not a morning person at all!
1 Thing on my Bucket List : Trekking Tour in Nepal
Favorite Quote : Eat Glitter for Breakfast and shine all day!

Name : Holly Wade, Master Teacher, Presenter
Residence : Hemingford, Nebraska USA
Why I Groove? : I was hooked the first time I GROOVED. I always loved to dance and GROOVE brought it back to the reason we all dance: joy, expression, and freedom. I feel fully alive when GROOVING.
Random fact about Me : I've been struck by lightning.
1 Thing on my Bucket List : Visit Australia
Favorite Quote : smile is worth more than a tight ass. ~Misty Tripoli

Name : Tine Aggrey, Master Teacher, Presenter
Residence : Kongsvinger, Norway
Why I Groove? : Grooving brings me to that place inside were happiness and peace is all there is. Without grooving myself regularly I get cranky and moody. It is my͞ "go to practice͟" when I need to move and release energy through my body and nurture my soul.
Random fact about Me : I consider Jim Carrey to be my spiritual mentor and auto correct fails to be my antidepressant.
1 Thing on my Bucket List : Write and publish a book.
Favorite Quote : "Don't believe every thing you think". - Byron Katie.
We are Groove enthusiasts and support the growth of the movement in our local communities.

Name : Pernille Bitsch, Denmark Ambassador
Residence : Lyngby, Denmark
Why I Groove? : Groove's my nature medicine. I use the music and movement as my therapist. Mind-blowing, delicious and so powerful!
Random fact about Me : I have two beautiful Groovy-Girls, a wonderful husband and a tiger-cat! At least she thinks she a tiger 😉
1 Thing on my Bucket List : At least one year of back-packing around the world with peeps I love.
Favorite Quote : Never regret anything that made you smile. Explore! Dream! Discover!

Name : Liv Kaldau, Denmark Ambassador
Residence : Copenhagen, Denmark
Why I Groove? : I’ve always loved to dance. When I dance I let go of the judgement and the expectations I have and I’m just me. The best version of me. It’s the best way for me to get out of my head and into my body. I love that, on the Groove dance floor, it’s so okay to be a little bit too much, to work the aggressive ass dance on a random Wednesday and to love being the ugliest ballerina on the dance floor! Everything is allowed - even to suck!
Random fact about Me :I’ve lived in Australia and in New Zealand.
1 Thing on my Bucket List : To groove teen girls and provide the space for them to discover that they are perfect exactly as they are.
Favorite Quote : Between black and white are a thousand shades of grey.

Name : Patti Grønborg, Denmark Ambassador
Residence : Karup, Denmark
Why I Groove? : I danced throughout my youth, but had drifted away from it as an adult. Groove reignited my passion for dance and I absolutely love sharing it with others. Facilitating a Groove dancefloor is my happy place.
Random fact about Me :I met a Danish man while playing online games, married him, moved to Denmark and never looked back!
1 Thing on my Bucket List : Spend a week or two volunteering at an animal sanctuary.
Favorite Quote : Don't take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. - Elbert Hubbard

Name : Helena Hansson, Sweden Ambassador
Residence : Stockholm, Sweden
Why I Groove? : I Groove because it’s the best way to get your spirits up, when feeling down, and to keep them high if you’re happy. Also, as a gym teacher, I know working out is only gonna happen if you enjoy it - and Groove is the most enjoyable movement I’ve encountered so far.
Random fact about Me :Got divorced after meeting Misty (I heard it’s a common thing). Found myself a new man and two cats who all love Zoom Grooves.
1 Thing on my Bucket List : To live in the countryside with alpacas and lots of cats, grow my own vegetables and make the countryside Groove.
Favorite Quote : There is no planet B - Steven Hawking

Name : Johnnie Anderson, USA Ambassador
Residence : Chicago, IL USA
Why I Groove? : There’s an almost indescribable delightful sensation that occurs when I’m dancing. Besides the amazing physical benefits, a burst of Joy and Love occurs from being able to freely express myself with body movement according to the yummy variety of music genres and styles. My soul is nourished, and this helps with connections to lovely beings I come into contact with throughout each day.
Random fact about Me :I have a passion for singing! Oh, what a feeling!
1 Thing on my Bucket List : To travel to Africa - Cameroon and Ghana, to experience the culture and to learn so much more about my ancestors.
Favorite Quote : Inspired by my Mother, “Be Grateful.” and “This, too, shall pass.”

Name : Stefanie Deichl, Swiss Ambassador
Residence : Schywz, Schweiz
Why I Groove? : I was in love with GROOVE from the first second. Now I have been a facilitator for over 10 years. I love music and movement in general, but what makes GROOVE so special for me is the community that is created on the dance floor and beyond. I always find it a pity when people are inhibited to dance and therefore dance alone and hide. My wish is that many more people discover GROOVE and find their way to live their personal authenticity and to face life with more ease. For me GROOVE is like a reminder of my true self. It allows me to be authentic and pushes me to be courageous enough to show myself in all areas of my life. You could say GROOVE is my happy place and therapy.
Random fact about Me : I moved from Germany to Switzerland because of love and now I live in the mountains.
1 Thing on my Bucket List : I wish to travel to the Scandinavian countries and see Northern Lights.
Favorite Quote : Optimists walk on the clouds under which pessimists mope.

Name : Bettina Rohs, German Ambassador
Residence : Munich
Why I Groove? : Luckily, I discovered GROOVE by accident! I have no idea what would have become of me if I hadn`t met this fun, exciting and enriching positive community. Ever since I have started grooving, I´ve been feeling more liberated, much braver and also more agile. On top of that, I am part of a great team.
Random fact about Me : When I´m not dancing to amazing music or working with jewels, you`ll find me exploring the area around Munich on my bicycle.
1 Thing on my Bucket List : I would love to spend a whole summer by the sea in Portugal.
Favorite Quote : "Glücklich allein ist die Seele die liebt." "Happy alone is the soul that loves." - Johann Wolfgang v. Goethe

Name : Linnéa Larsson, Sweden Ambassador
Residence : Stockholm, Sweden
Why I Groove? : Because it makes me feel amazing. It’s fun, playful, creative, unifying and fulfilling and you meet so many inspiring people on the Groove dance floor. I feel like grooving is part of why I came to this planet.
Random fact about Me :I grew up on a small island (200 inhabitants) in Stockholm’s southern archipelago.
1 Thing on my Bucket List : To move to a different part of the world (exactly where is a secret right now.)
Favorite Quote : Be the change you wish to see in the world. - Ghandi

Name : Nadine Joy Collins, Quebec Ambassador
Residence : Montreal, QC Canada
Why I Groove? : I have always loved music and dancing and The GROOVE was the perfect combination! It's a way to continue to learn to love and connect to my body, mind and soul in an AUTHENTIC way. The GROOVE creates a safe space to let yourself go because no one cares what you look like! No judgements, just you and the wonderful people dancing with you!
Random fact about Me : I like to make an entrance
1 Thing on my Bucket List : Go to Ghana and Kenya, see elephants and connect with my ancestry.
Favorite Quote : The dance is strong magic. The body can fly without wings. It can sing without voice. The dance is strong magic. The dance is life.- Pearl Primus

Name : Leslie Howitt, New York Ambassador
Residence : New York, NY USA
Why I Groove? : I love to dance. I found Groove through teaching bodyART. I KNEW Groove is the direction I wanted to go with my teaching. Grooving makes me feel happy, expressive and creative. Dancing also keeps me in the moment, connecting to the music and my body. I love sharing this passion and joy with my students. They like it too!
Random fact about Me : I really dig art and music from the Middle Ages - 10th to 15th Century. I just love its nativity and simplicity.
1 Thing on my Bucket List : Go to Greece for a month.
Favorite Quote : Everything Changes Always...

Name : Susanne Mechtild Wright, Groove Fit Ambassador
Residence : Woolooga, QLD, Australia
Why I Groove? : When I discovered Groove my heart said: THIS IS IT! Groove is my dancing meditation, connection to my soul, access to my inner freedom and just makes me so happy! The connections on the dancefloor are epic! And best side effect: Groove makes you FIT!
Random fact about Me : I am from Germany originally, now live on a farm in Australia and love riding cutting horses
1 Thing on my Bucket List : Go on a horse trail in Mongolia
Favorite Quote : Life's What You Make It – Talk Talk

Name : Belle Martin, USA Ambassador
Residence : San Diego, CA, USA
Why I Groove? : Groove allows me to celebrate and explore all the different aspects of ME. Playful, fun, silly, introspective, sensual and as a deeper way to connect with others and let joy IN!
Random fact about Me :I love all things Kawaii (meaning all things cute) and as a certified Laughter Yoga Teacher I have a Wiggles and Giggles Laughter Yoga Club where we can laugh and be silly.
1 Thing on my Bucket List : A year long world cruise where I offer Groove classes!
Favorite Quote : WOWZA, there are so many… I approach life in the theme of Fiestas and Siestas. Always a reason for a celebration and moments of rest and rejuvenation.

Name : Evette Kirkwood, Australia Ambassador
Residence : Mundoolun, Qld, Australia
Why I Groove? : Groove came into my life in 2011 and I fell in love with its simplicity. I always loved to dance but was never “technical” enough to have a career in it. Groove was the most beautiful way I had ever experienced dance in my life. It touched me physically and emotionally. My life always makes sense when I dance. I am free! I knew immediately that I had to share this with as many people as I possible could so I immediately became a facilitator and have been bringing the dance floor to people ever since. I love the community of people it has introduced me to and have made life long friends from Groove.
Random fact about Me :I married the guy next door.
1 Thing on my Bucket List : Continual list of going to a new destination and experiencing something for the first time every year.
Favorite Quote : To achieve goals that you haven’t achieved before you have to start doing things you’ve never done before.

Name : Sarah Maria Ebanks, Australia Ambassador
Residence : Melbourne, Vic Australia
Why I Groove? : Groove is powerful. It releases so much goodness inside of me, so much joy, happiness, connection to self, and confidence, that I can feel it pour out of me as I dance. It's unbelievable. This then pours out into my daily life. I have actually learnt to dance for me, thanks to Groove. It's a natural therapy that soothes my soul.
Random fact about Me :I have thanked Shaggy (Mr Boombastic) in person for his music he lead me to my love of reggae and dancehall music.
1 Thing on my Bucket List : To experience a true soca carnival in the Caribbean.
Favorite Quote : Love the life you live, Live the life you love ~ Bob Marley

Name : Rikke Lofthouse, UK Ambassador
Residence : Guildford, England, UK
Why I Groove? : It is the most connecting form of dance I have ever tried - and it blows me away every time the whole room gets lost in the Groove. It truly is an addictive feeling.
Random fact about Me :When I moved from Denmark to England people found it hard to pronounce my name so I tell everyone to call me Reggae - like the music!
1 Thing on my Bucket List : Driving across America with the coolest playlist.
Favorite Quote : “Smile it’s contagious”

Name : Amy Woods, UK Ambassador
Residence : Norfolk, England, UK
Why I Groove? : Groove makes me feel ALIVE, FREE and POWERFUL and getting to share it with others is absolute magic!
Random fact about Me : I grew up in Spain and speak fluent Spanish.
1 Thing on my Bucket List : Travel to Hawaii.
Favorite Quote : "What if life isn't about becoming anything, what if it's about UNbecoming everything that isn't you so you can just be who were meant to be in the first place" - Unknown
We present Groove to large audiences around the world.

Jen Keet
Name : Jen Keet, Presenter
Residence : Santa Barbara CA and Volcano Hawaii
Why I Groove? : I love GROOVE. I believe our true authenticity comes forward though physical expression. It is a space of love and healing, fun and sweat, introspection and change all wrapped up in amazing music and simple movements. Groove allows each person to be completely who they are and experience a freedom that can be elusive in "regular life". Groove is an amazing journey through your emotions with the destination being joy. We Groove because we love our bodies, nurture our emotions and support our health physically, mentally, emotionally plus it feeds your soul!
Random fact about Me : I lived on a sailboat from the time I was 10 until I graduated high school and moved out! Another reason I love the ocean and water so much.
1 Thing on my Bucket List : I am living my bucket list and crossing off items as I go! is to short not to follow your dreams and trust your path. The next bucket list item is an adventure to Egypt experiencing the pyramids and ancient artifacts.
Favorite Quote : “I am living my bucket list and crossing off items as I go!... life is to short not to follow your dreams and trust your path. The next bucket list item is an adventure to Egypt experiencing the pyramids and ancient artifacts.

Name : Julia Przybilka, Presenter
Residence : Costa Rica
Why I Groove? : GROOVE brings most of JOY into my being– it makes me feel connected to my deepest core and gives me the opportunity to express myself through dance and music - it’s like therapy, it moves all the sh** out of the way.
Random fact about Me : I love salt and vinegar chips.
1 Thing on my Bucket List : I don’t have lists....but I really would like to go on a canoe safari in the Okavango Delta.
Favorite Quote : “People think being alone makes you lonely, but that’s not true. Being surrounded by the wrong people is the loneliest thing in the world. – Kim Culbertson

Name : Michelle Hillier, Presenter
Residence : Ontario, Canada
Why I Groove? : To let my light shine! It brings out the very best version of me and in others while busting it out to wicked music. To feed the soul. To make people smile. It's absolute therapy.
Random fact about Me : LOVE bold flavours - the spicier the better!
1 Thing on my Bucket List : To live abroad for one year with my amazing hubby and son.
Favorite Quote : My mom instilled it in me....."Attitude is Everything", Super true.

Name : Garnet Suidy, Presenter
Residence : Ontario, Canada
Why I Groove? : I Groove because it connects me so deeply to my true, authentic self. It gets me in touch with my own creativity and makes freedom a real, tangible experience. I love to connect and flow with people and share in the pure bliss of the Groove dance floor.
Random fact about Me : I’m a farm boy. I grew up on a ranch in rural Canada riding horses and roping cows.
1 Thing on my Bucket List : I don’t have a list.
Favorite Quote : “The power of the universe is in me. Literally in me!” Misty Tripoli

Name : Jenn Litt, Presenter
Residence : North Dakota, USA
Why I Groove? : I Groove because it charges me. It gives me energy and makes me feel whole. I love how groove makes me feel better physically and emotionally and I love sharing the magic of the method with others.
Random fact about Me : Olives are one of my favorite foods.
1 Thing on my Bucket List : So many things but one thing for sure is to vacation in one of those Bali tiki huts over the water.
Favorite Quote : “Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman

Name : Conny Kayser, Presenter
Residence : Luxemburg
Why I Groove? : GROOVE sets my soul on fire. After I groove I feel so much more creative and I find myself standing more in my power than I did before. Through GROOVE I completely stopped obsessing over what other people think of me. By using the GROOVE method I can show women how to get there too and help them make their magic.
Random fact about Me : I play the piano and the ukulele.
1 Thing on my Bucket List : Stand on a mountain top above 2500 meters – naked.
Favorite Quote : „Life is a dancer and you are the dance.“ Eckhart Tolle

Name : Bettina Kili, Presenter
Residence : Kitzbühel in Tirol, Austria
Why I Groove? : When I dance, I feel like I've arrived. GROOVE for me is a journey that leads me more and more to my pure being and my true essence. For me GROOVE heals, transforms, connects, loves. When I experience moments of dissatisfaction, pain or sadness, I groove. When I groove, I can heal and I feel complete. When I groove I feel every single cell of my body, I feel myself, I feel my soul. It fills me with deepest gratitude and pride to pass on a tool through the GROOVE method, which connects people with each other, brings them back to their inner power, to their essence and their real being. I am infinitely proud and grateful to be part of this wonderful community that feels like family.
Random fact about Me : Some years ago I thought I could not dance and groove is nothing for me.
1 Thing on my Bucket List : Grooving more than 5000 people at once.
Favorite Quote : I dance to life, I dance to breath, I dance to be free, I dance to be ME.

Name : Alexey Vasilenko, Presenter
Residence : Russia
Why I Groove? : Actually, I can't imagine my life without music and dance, So, this is my way to keep on feeling myself alive and also to set my inner demons (aka emotions) free.
Random fact about Me : Escaped from the home at the age of 16 to see Michael Jackson live on stage (when he came to Russia for the very first time, with Dangerous Tour).
1 Thing on my Bucket List : To see Australia and New Zealand one day.
Favorite Quote : "Anyone can be anything".

Yvonne & Roger
Name : Yvonne & Roger Puckett, Young at Heart
Residence : New York, NY USA
Why I Groove? : We are passionate about dance and sharing the gift of dance. Groove is a beautiful movement experience, dancing and connecting with others joyfully. Especially our Young At Heart Groove devotees!! We are blessed with 2 children, 3 grandchildren, young in spirit, who inspire us!
Random fact about Me : We married in 1968 in New York City. We are professional dancers. Roger danced on Broadway with stars like Ginger Rogers. Yvonne danced in Hollywood films with stars like Elvis Presley.
1 Thing on my Bucket List : Write and publish a book.
Favorite Quote : Dance is the hidden language of the soul.
Dance isn’t a form - it’s a way of life!